The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has today started the search for a development partner to deliver more than 220 homes on land owned by the Greater London Authority at North Middlesex
University Hospital in Enfield.
50 per cent of the 220 proposed homes will be genuinely affordable, split between London Affordable Rent/Social Rent, Shared Ownership and London Living Rent. At least 10 of the London Living Rent homes will be available to provide new homes for key workers at the hospital for a minimum of 10 years.
Through this scheme, the Mayor aims to demonstrate how modern methods of construction can be used to deliver high quality, net zero-carbon homes on NHS sites. Working alongside the NHS Trust, the new homes will prioritise the health and well-being of the residents, addressing the evidence that links poor quality housing conditions with poor health.
GLA Land and Property (GLAP) purchased the 1.37 hectare site in the south-east corner of the hospital grounds in March 2019 from LocatED, the Department of Education agency responsible for delivering the Academy programme, who had previously bought the site from the NHS Trust in 2016. The land is currently occupied by a car park and the NHS Trust’s Headquarters.
Alongside the acquisition, the NHS Trust and the GLA jointly commissioned a masterplan for the wider hospital site that will support the delivery of enhanced clinical facilities and identify any opportunities for building more homes on any surplus land on the site. The GLA and their development partner will work with the Trust to ensure that there will be no reduction in clinical provision from the hospital despite the reduction in the Trust’s landholding.
The development is the latest part of Sadiq Khan’s ongoing work to make use of surplus NHS land for housing, including the soon to be announced procurement of a development partner for the St Ann’s hospital site in Haringey.
It is hoped that a developer will be announced by September 2021 with the first starts on site not later than March 2023.
Deputy Mayor for Housing and Residential Development Tom Copley said: “This is just the latest example of City Hall taking the lead to unlock the land needed to ease London’s housing crisis. I’m proud that this development will provide our NHS staff with much deserved keyworker homes, and that half of all homes on site will be genuinely affordable.
“This is also an exciting opportunity to use modern methods of construction to deliver the high-quality, modern, energy efficient housing Londoners deserve.”
Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, said: “We are pleased the at the Mayor of London has stepped in to support the delivery of affordable homes for local people on this site. North Middlesex Hospital is a significant employer of local Enfield people and it is only right that we help to invest in the futures of our much valued keyworkers by the provision of some housing to meet their needs, particularly during these difficult times.
“Enfield Council is also investing in the local area with plans for the delivery of more affordable homes and infrastructure around the hospital. We have a proposal for a new walking and cycling route to connect with Cycle Superhighway 1 in Haringey and are providing increased access for key workers and people with reduce mobility traveling to North Middlesex Hospital.” – Ends
Maria Kane, Chief Executive of North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust said: “This site presents a fantastic opportunity to develop the area around North Middlesex University Hospital.
“We’re looking forward to working with the Greater London Authority and our new development partner, once appointed, to make best use of the land so that it meets the needs of people who use the hospital and benefits our local community.”
Photo by Katy Blackwood, Wikimedia commons