London Chamber of Commerce and Industry has today welcomed the UK and EU reaching a trade agreement, and has urged both sides to work together to cushion any impacts from the
change in relationship, and remain open minded to any need for future discussions.
Richard Burge, Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: “Businesses are undoubtedly relieved to hear that a deal has been agreed and will be hoping that it will now be ratified by respective parliaments across Europe.
“Whilst some changes from January 1 have been known, others have not and businesses will need to work their way through the detail of the deal and ascertain where the real-term impacts of Brexit may lay for them, their supply chains and customers. It’s important that the civil service also quickly responds and explains that detail.
“However, in on the ground terms for business there are likely to still be questions unanswered and operational detail missing. The negotiations running this late in the day have not helped, so I hope both the Government and the EU will be open-minded regarding working together to cushion the impact of the change in relationship, wherever possible.
“Businesses are aware this may not be the all-encompassing deal that was promised at the beginning of this venture. It’s important that both sides continue to be open minded to a need for future discussions, to ensure the best possible trade and access to goods and services in the years to come. Ensuring London remains a leading world city will require the best possible terms of trade.”
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